ABOUT THE PSA & What we do | The purpose and objectives of the Association shall be to enhance and preserve the steelhead fishery in Pennsylvania including improving public access for steelhead fishing, encouraging private landowners to maintain public access for steelhead fishing, implementing stream enhancement and habitat improvement projects for steelhead, and assisting nonprofit organizations which operate nurseries for spawning or raising steelhead, or which acquire land or access easements for steelhead fishing, or which engage in activities which complement the purposes and activities of the PA Steelhead Association. |
PSA Past, Present and Future:
The PA Steelhead Association (the PSA) was formed in 1996 by three avid Steelhead anglers: Joe Egnot, Matt Hrycyk, and John Bodner. Their original goal was to respond to the rash of property postings that were taking place at the time on some of the best Steelhead streams in Erie County. They began by gathering together like-minded fishermen to work on improved landowner relations as well as improved cooperation with State and local governments.
From those humble beginnings, the PSA has grown to become a vital player in the protection and preservation of the Lake Erie fishery. Continuing the work of our founders the PSA works to improve landowner relations and to promote continued cooperation with State and local governments. The current activities of the PSA include:
While we continue to work on enhancing public access and maintaining positive landowner relations so that our easements may continue to serve our fishing needs, we also anticipate the need to be involved in important new issues such as the challenges of variable or declining Steelhead returns in an era of Climate Change, explosive Cormorant/migratory bird populations, Blue-Green Algal Blooms, Asian Carp, and other environmental impacts that affect our Steelhead fishery. Our ability to influence current and future issues important to Steelhead anglers depends on having a strong membership so that our voice can continue to be heard. Please consider adding your voice to our efforts by joining the PSA today!
Benefits of PA Steelhead Membership | Our efforts to enhance the fishery and to maintain open stream access for Steelhead membership should be reason enough to join, but consider also the additional value that a PA Steelhead Association membership can provide for you personally: In addition, you receive access to information about activities in and around "Steelhead Alley", one of the world's premier Steelhead fisheries through the PSA TightLines Newlsetter and the PSA website www.pasteelhead.com. By becoming a PSA member you also become part of dedicated group of people who share your passion for fishing and the outdoors. Our meetings provide fellowship and fishing information in a relaxed atmosphere for everyone, whether you're new to the sport or whether you've been fishing for years. Most of all, it is satisfying to know that you are part of the only organization in our area exclusively dedicated to protecting, preserving and enhancing Northwest PA steelhead fishing. |
March 2025 TightLines Newsletter | Every month the PSA publishes the TightLines newsletter to keep the PSA members up-to-date on important information regarding the fisheries, upcoming local events, and stories from those in our community. Check out this month's newsletter with the link below. If you want to be the first to get TightLines every month and have access to our vast collection of newsletters, join the PSA today! |
OUR OFFICERS & DIRECTORS | officersChris Larson, President Email: celarson@hotmail.com Nick Taylor, Vice President Greg Kuntz, Treasurer | board of directorsJack Barr Josh Feltenberger John Hall Roger Latimer Emma Mader - TightLines newsletter editor Tim Weeks |